Age ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We partied like it was 1999!

It still sounds crazy to me, but this past weekend was my 10 year High School reunion! The West Brook class of 1999 got together and reconnected just like old times. For some reason I have always had a feeling that I would be pregnant at my reunion and well, I was! It was fun though and I got lots of belly rubs!

We headed to Beaumont on Thursday evening and the first event on Friday was a mixer. We had a great turnout and I saw quite a few people that had not seen since graduation. Saturday afternoon we had a picnic at Roger's park and then that night we had our dinner/dance...yes, DANCE and boy, did we!!! (hence the title of this post) It was just like old times! My husband even got out there and did his thang! And yes, everyone thought it was comical that a five month preggo was out there dancing her heart out, but hey, I gotta teach my baby girl some rhythm early!

It was a long and exhausting weekend, but it was fun. Thanks you Bobby for being a good sport all weekend!!

Me, Kristy and Christina

High School friends

Tara, Claire (Also pregant - 1 week ahead of me), me and Laura

Dylan, Christina and their little girl, Kristy, Layla and me

The hubs and me
Strike a pose!!

Some of the Varsity Cheerleaders - GO BRUINS!

Love these girls!

The guys, hanging in there! Ryan, Josiah and Bobby (Luckily I went to high school with 2 of my best friends that I still hang with, so Bobby knows their husbands and was able to hang with them.)
Me and my girls!! :)

It was fun everyone -- see ya in 2014!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

We're in a tizzy, we're in a whirl...

BABY SOTO IS A GIRL!! Yes, it is true, there is actually going to be a little girl in my family. With four nephews, I don't even know what to do with a girl, but I am sure we will learn very quickly! Bobby and I are very excited and he is already wrapped around her little finger!

Last Wednesday we had our sonogram and got to see those little hands and feet, her face, spine, profile and of course the parts that told us she was a girl! :) It was an amazing experience. We had a full house in the sono room mom, my Nanny, Bobby's mom and of course Bobby, all joined me for the fun! Below are some pics of the big day!

My mom pulled out the pink booties when we found out it was a girl. She has had these for years and after 4 grandsons she was FINALLY able to give them to us!

This is me a couple of weeks ago -- 18 weeks

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pregnancy Announcement Stories (about 2 months late)

I just realized that I never really blogged about how we found out we were pregnant and how we told some of our friends and family. So here is a little recap...

Bobby and I found out on April 2nd. It was a Thursday night and we had gone out to dinner. During dinner I was just not as hungry as usual and I felt a little nauseous. While we were at dinner, I thought to myself, "hmm maybe I should take a test when I get home." I didn't say anything to Bobby because we took a few tests the months before and had some disappointment, so I didn't want to get his hopes up. So we got home and he decided to take Polo for a walk. As he was walking out the door, I was taking the test. Within a couple of minutes, I saw 2 faint lines and almost fell over. I immediately called Bobby (who was just a couple of houses down) and told him he needed to come back. He was very confused but came back. When he walked in the door I pointed at the table where I had laid the test and he got a huge smile on his face. I questioned him to see if I was seeing things or not. He said the lines were pretty light and wondered whether it was accurate or not. So, told him we needed to go to the store and get some digital tests. So we did and sure enough, the words "pregnant" came up. I was so happy and jumping up and down. He was excited but not 100% convinced. Ha! We still called my parents (well after sending them a picture text of the pregnancy tests) and told them the news. I took another one the next morning and called the Dr. to make an appt. They would not be able to get me in until Monday. Sunday we wanted to tell my Nanny but Bobby was still nervous, so we bought another test on the way to church and I took it at church! LOL! And then I got to whisper in his ear that it was indeed positive. So that afternoon we went over to my Nanny's and told her. Man, was she so excited!! She had always warned us that she would not live to see our child if we did not "hurry up!!" :)

That Monday I went to the doctor and they confirmed everything and FINALLY Bobby believed it! That night we invited his parents and sister over and told them. They were very excited as well. After that we were finally able to tell his brothers, my brothers, and extended family. After a couple of weeks we began to tell friends and co-workers. It was such a fun experience to tell everyone.

Here are a few pics of how we told people...

All positive!

Nanny reading the poem we wrote her (see below)

This truly shows her excitement (I love this pic!)

The poem (enlarge to read)

Ok, so we stole this idea from a couple at our church and decided I would tell his family I needed an updated pic of them. When they all got settled, I said "1, 2, 3, WE'RE PREGNANT!". It was meant to catch their first expressions to the news but in the first pic all of them just continued to smile as normal. I finally said it again...WE'RE PREGNANT and this was the captured response! :)

We told my brother, Chris and his wife, Kara on Easter Sunday. Kara had given me (well really hidden it in our guest closet) one of Cohen's (their youngest) diapers soon after he was born, that read "To Baby Soto - my future cousin". So we wrapped it up and gave it to them for Easter!
I am so thankful that God has blessed us and entrusted us with this child! We are enjoying this pregnancy journey and cannot wait to meet our little baby!

Catch Up

Well I have been neglecting the blog for a bit, but it is time to get back in the groove of things and catch everyone up on the last month or so. Well since my last post I had my birthday, we went to Las Vegas, hung out with family for the 4th and Bobby started his Doctoral program.

Birthday -- this year I turned 28 (on the 20th) and I had a very fun birthday in Vegas with my man! We left on Friday the 19th and came back on Monday the 22nd. We decided on this trip, since we have been before, that we would go to Vegas and RELAX. We did not want to fill all of our time with shopping, shows and sightseeing. We did do some of that, but there were many hours of sleeping in, sunbathing by the pool and EATING! We stayed at the Wynn and it was wonderful! On my actual birthday morning I had an "Expecting Mother" massage and it was A-MAZING! Then we spent the afternoon by the pool and shopping. Later that night we had dinner at the hotel's steak restatraunt and it was so yummy! Then last minute we decided to go and see a magic show. It was a great birthday weekend!!! Oh and then the day after we got back we got some of our friends together to celebrate at Johnny Carinos...mmm!

By the pool - ahhh!

Out and about

Birthday Cheesecake!

Just us

Bobby on the strip

Us at the Wynn

Heather, me and Kristy (and Heather's kids)

The girls!

For the fourth we had a great time with my side of the family (minus my dad - we missed him!) My mom and younger brother drove up on Friday and we hung out with my older brother, Kara and my 4 nephews. Friday night we went to Roanoke to enjoy a $2 Dickey's BBQ dinner, games and fireworks! Saturday was spent with my mom shopping around and then that night we hung out in Cedar Hill and saw fireworks in Duncanville. Unfortunetly I have no pictures of that weekend - my mom took them all. :( It was fun though!!

On Saturday the 4th, yes the actual holiday, Bobby started his first two classes of his Doctoral program! He will be getting his PhD in Leadership from DBU. His first two classes were a week long mini-term, meaning he was in class Saturday the 4th and then Monday through today (8-5). Luckily they got out early today and he is napping on the couch, as I type. He is wiped!!! So here begins his 3 year course work journey, then his dissertation (however long that takes) and then Ican call him Dr. Babe, I mean Dr. Soto. :) I am so proud of him and even though he has some tough years ahead of him, I know he can do it! Pray for him that he will be diligent in his course work and learn how to prioritize his time, especially when the baby comes!!!

Speaking of baby, I need to take another belly pic (hopefully tonight). I am 18 weeks and starting to feel little kicks. So amazing! We find out the gender on the 22nd. YAY!! I hope to get better at posting more about the pregnancy.

All and all, our little family is doing great and hopes yours is too!!