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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Whirlwind

Well it seems there is so much anticipation and build up to Christmas, and then it is over before you know it. This year was fun, but almost seemed like it was in fast motion. Christmas Eve was spent doing last minute shopping and preparation for family. Since this was our first year in our new home, we decided to share it with others, so Wednesday night we had Bobby’s parents over for dinner and gifts. I made Lasagna (which was a first for me, but it turned out very good) and we had Birthday cake and ice cream for his brother Davy. Bobby’s has twin brothers who turned 30 on Dec 17th and we were sad Joey couldn’t make it for the festivities. We opened gifts and played a very competitive game of Taboo – Girls vs. Boys. I do have to say that the boys only won because the girls kept messing up, therefore giving them points!

Thursday (Christmas day) we headed over to my Nanny’s house around 11:00 to open gifts and eat with my parents, brother, brother and sis-in-law and 4 nephews! Let’s just say it was an all-day event of opening gifts, taking a break to eat, more gifts, another break for dessert and more gifts. Later that night we played Holiday charades and it was overall a fun day!

Then Saturday, we opened up our home again to Bobby’s extended family of Aunts, Uncles and cousins. It consisted of 25 people, 3 dogs, 2 hams, all the fixings, lots of sweet tea, presents, white elephant gifts, lots of stealing (white elephant gifts) and a mad game of Catch phrase! And let me just say, no one held back from stealing the hostess’ white elephant gifts. I could not keep anything good in my little hands – although I did end up with a pretty cute wallet, but Bobby ended up with a box of “Endless Cookies” – enough said.

All in all it was a great time with family and we look forward to it again next year. It will be here before we know it! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas and an even better year in 2009!

Merry Belated Christmas from the Sotos!

Here is where we spent most of our Christmas time

The in-laws opening gifts

Sis-in-law, Serena, opening gifts

Polo on Christmas morning! She loved her new toy so much she already ate a hole in it and pulled out half the stuffing.

I would have to say one of my favorite things on Christmas is seeing how excited my Nanny gets when she hears she has another gift to open. "What? Me? Another present? Wow!" Here she is trying on her new slippers...she is so cute!

My brother took her to a Cowboys game a few weeks ago (a dream come true for her) and my mom made a collage of pictures for her. She LOVED it!

Corbin with his new umbrella! And you can see Callen down there playing his Leapster game.

Our little Santa, Cohen!

Cohen, Callen, Corbin and Cade

Matching PJs!! Thanks Mom!

All the family for a competitive game of White Elephant!

Waiting to see if we want to steal it!
Thanks friends and family for such a fun Christmas. We look forward to next year!


Евгений Вервейко said...

My dream to celebrate christmas in US. Maybe one day...

Kara Clayton said...

We did have fun didn't we! Those are such sweet pictures of the boys, I could do without the one of me though! :-)